April 14 - 15, 2018
Hyatt Regency Hotel • Morristown, NJ
Vendor Rules and Job Description. PLEASE read all rules carefully. Upon applying to host a Panel, applicant agrees to all of our policies and abide by all rules set forth by the convention. Failure to do so will result in dropping of the Panel from our schedule.
– All Panelists should be 18 years or older to host a Panel at Kinda!Con. Past experience is required.
– Panelists are required to bring their own supplies as it pertains to their panel. If you have special requirements let us know in advance so we can find ways to accommodate you.
– Panelists are expected to come on time and perform for their panel at their scheduled slot in the amount of time allotted.
- All Panels should be family friendly.
- Paid admission is required to host a Panel at Kinda!Con this year.
– Panelists are representatives of Kinda!Con and should behave as such - respecting all rules and policies that attendees do. Failure to do so will result in being asked to leave the event without refund.